insightVM Feature

Live Dashboards

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Views That Are as Live as Your Network

Most software dashboards are static: a snapshot of your risk at a particular time, unclickable and instantly out of date. InsightVM Live Dashboards are live and interactive by nature. You can easily create custom cards and full dashboards for anyone—from system admins to CISOs—and query each card with simple language to track progress of your security program.

Fully customizable dashboards

Create dashboards with fresh vulnerability data that give you the exact insight you're looking for. Freely add, delete, and move individual cards to view the level of detail right for you.

Views for every stakeholder

Filter cards through hundreds of simple queries, such as OS or vulnerability risk over time, to allow every stakeholder—from system admins to CISOs—to see the risk of the assets they care about.

Remediation, vulnerability, and asset analytics

Offload the work of data processing to our cloud using the Insight platform. Rapid7 Insight enables your dashboards to show you virtually everything, from the recent changes in your risk profile to which teams are remediating vulnerabilities most effectively.

A live view into your risk

Stop wondering if your information is still relevant. InsightVM dashboards update in real time as the product collects data from scans, agent data, and discovery connections.

Shared insights

Save filters and share dashboards easily between team members to collaborate on key issues and analysis.


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